Timeless Elegance for Your Space
Browse through hundreds of artful and functional 19th,20th and 21st century contemporary fine art, antiques plus decorative arts, silver and jewelry pieces each time you visit our Quintessential Things or Antique Canvas galleries...objects that will give your home or workplace a sense of uniqueness and personality that entertain both the eye and mind.
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“My focus with Quintessential Things and Antique Canvas is to bring consumers from all levels of collecting fairly priced 19th, 20th and 21st century American, French and English art and furnishings. Our trustworthy and exciting shopping experience builds on my expertise and appreciation of fine artistry, craftsmanship and traditions. I absolutely believe that high quality, historic or artistic articles of merit culled from previous eras and civilizations have long intrigued mankind’s most perceptive people – and never go out of style.”
Daniel Meyerson